M6 | Paris Henge

May 21, 2018. Day off. It’s perfect for an incognito photo ride! And now I find myself face to face with a reporter from french channel M6 who is interested in doing a broadcast on the Paris Henge phenomenon for their daily news.
The Paris Henge is the moment when the sun sets right in the axis of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. If the weather is good, and we find the right point of view, we see the passage of this fireball between the feet of the Arc!
That day, I was thinking to stay at home editing pictures, I was not convinced by the weather…. I finally got out at the last minute, dressed in a Sunday mood! I meet my dear friend Phil (@Phil_a_paname) and many other photographers who were ready to capture this moment that only happens twice a year.
This is when a journalist, camera on her shoulder, asks the group of people if anyone wants to be interviewed for the 12-45 on M6 channel. A guy in the group laconically says “ask her, she’s a woman”. And that’s how I finally explained the phenomenon in front of the camera!